Monthly Archives: December 2013

Scientists Query Study Saying Ear Acupuncture Aids Weight Loss

Jessica Simpson wows after weight loss with new Weight Watchers ‘Simple Start’

Candace Cameron Bulimia Battle

A summary statement about the study, conducted by Korean researchers, said it compared three approaches in a total of 91 people – acupuncture on five points on the outer ear, acupuncture on one point, and a sham treatment as a control. It said participants were asked to follow a restrictive diet, but not one designed to lead to weight loss, and not to take any extra exercise during eight weeks of treatment. Its results suggested significant differences were apparent after four weeks, with the active treatment garcinia cambogia groups receiving acupuncture on one or five points having lower body mass index scores compared with the sham treatment group, where there was no such reduction. Weight also differed significantly after four weeks in both active treatment groups compared with the sham treatment group, the researchers reported in the journal, which is one of 50 specialist titles published by British Medical Journal group. According to background information given in the journal, auricular acupuncture therapy is based on the understanding that the outer ear represents all parts of the body and was first used in France in 1956 by a doctor who noticed that a patient’s back-ache was cured after a burn on the ear.
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Jessica Simpson’s Baby Weight Loss Plan is Totally Doable

Baby Weight

It makes me feel better.” However, Jessica admits that she dislikes the public attention and media scrutiny when it comes to her weight. “It does get old having people harping on how much you weigh or your body after pregnancy,” said Jessica. “People are going to pick me apart no matter what I do. I’m always going to have critics.” But she’s focused on family. Jessica’s goal: “To be the best version of myself.
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It makes me feel better, she told . She also says two kids means lots of climbing up and down the stairs, which helps keep her metabolism going. And thats where what seems like a totally doable weight-loss plan comes to a screeching halt. Also helping things along is the fact that she has a personal chef to cook healthy meals (she says shes not so good at chopping veggies) and a personal trainer that works her out four times a week. Presumably, shes also got childcare in place, so she has the kid-free time—crucial-data-released-231403591.html to meet with a trainer. So, in other words, its good to be Jessica Simpson. But walking is still an excellent way to tackle the baby weight since its low-impact for your still-healing body, doable even if you werent in shape before getting pregnant, and something you can do with your baby (pushing a stroller burns more calories!).
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Diabetes Drug Won’t Help Obese Kids Keep Off Weight

Rachael Rettner, MyHealthNewsDaily Staff Writer

However, studies in adults suggest that, in order for a weight-loss treatment to lead to meaningful improvements in health down the road, it needs to reduce BMI by 5 to 10 percent, McDonagh said. Children in the studies who took metformin for a year saw about the same decrease in BMI as those who practiced lifestyle changes alone. And after one year, both groups started to slip back to their original weight. The researchers would like to see more studies on weight-loss treatments that involve a child’s entire family. It’s possible that family-based interventions may help children lose more weight whether they are taking a drug or not than interventions that don’t consider the child’s family, McDonagh said. Metformin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat children and adults with Type 2 diabetes .
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