Monthly Archives: March 2014

Immigration Recruitment Exercise- Death Toll Rises To 16 Nationwide


He said that p90X3 the deceased was married with a child. Another participant of the exercise, Mrs Abigail Aroniya, whose brother is presently receiving treatment at the National Hospital, described the treatment they received during the exercise as inhuman. Abigail said that most participants arrived the venue at the time slated for the exercise but the gate to the stadium was locked and officials of the immigration service were not there. She said that when the officials finally arrived everyone tried to struggle into the venue and in the process some persons were pushed down and trampled upon. Meanwhile, Moro has visited the victims of the stampede, who are currently receiving treatment at the National Hospital in Abuja.
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Exercise video games may add to kids’ activity: study

Although the difference between groups appears to be small, the researchers write in JAMA Pediatrics, the added activity among the game-users group is equivalent to about 4 lbs of fat lost over a year. They also found a greater percentage of children in the active-gaming group were no longer in the overweight category by the end of the study. The percentage overweight had dropped a little over 9 percent in the active gaming group versus just under 4 percent in the comparison group. “Sure enough, the outcomes were very, very good,” Vojta said. The authors note in the paper, however, that they cannot be sure the children sustained their weight loss and increased activity beyond the 16 weeks.
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